
Some suggestions to common problems and solutions.

Won't load

First make sure you are on the latest stable Chrome or Firefox.

If you are unable to load ShiftEdit, then try the following.


Private Browsing window

You can rule out any session or extension related issues by enabling private browsing.

In Chrome:

Try opening ShiftEdit in an incognito window (ctrl+shift+n)

In Firefox:

Try opening ShiftEdit in a private window (ctrl+shift+p)

If ShiftEdit works in Private browsing then you may need to clear your cache or disable extensions.

Clear the App cache

ShiftEdit uses the browsers app cache which doesn't clear as often as regular cache. In order to force clear the cache:

In Chrome, open ShiftEdit and go to dev tools (Ctrl+Shift+j)

Then Application -> Clear Storage -> Clear site data.



In Firefox:

Tools > Options / Preferences -> Advanced -> Network -> (Select specific application cache) > Remove


FTP Connection timeout

If you get this error, our servers may be being blocked by your ISPs firewall or ftp server.

You may need to whitelist our ips:

To allow SSH terminal connections, our IP is: []

You can perform a traceroute from your account area to help diagnose connection issues. If that fails, try checking your ftp logs or firewall logs. You may need to contact your hosting provider to resolve this issue.

If using FTP you can also try enabling Turbo mode. This is uploaded automatically but if it can't connect you can manually edit and upload the shiftedit-turbo.php file.

No refresh token

This error occurs when adding a GDrive site after permissions were already granted. To resolve:

Remove ShiftEdit from Google Drive. via:

settings -> managing apps.

In ShiftEdit, edit the site.
Click connect, this will prompt you again for permission to access GDrive

Shield icon in address bar

This indicates that ShiftEdit is attempting to load mixed content. This is intentional and can be ignored, ShiftEdit will still function fine with or without loading this script.

This is simply used to detect if mixed content is being blocked. This is useful for knowing if the preview panel will be blocked for example.

The Android keyboard doesn't work so well

Try using Hacker's Keyboard instead.

Preview not working

Go to the site menu -> Edit site:

Ensure the web url&