
ShiftEdit can connect to third-party hosting providers and deploy servers.

 You can access the servers dialog from the New tab screen: Tools -> Servers.

When creating a new server you will be able to pick from AWS, DigitalOcean or Linode.

Amazon Web Services

In order to connect to AWS you will need an Access Key Id and Secret Access Key.

These details can be obtained from AWS:

  • Create or log into an existing AWS account.
  • Go to Services -> Security & Identity -> IAM
  • Click on Users -> Add User
  • Enter User Name "ShiftEdit"
  • Select Access type "Programmatic access"
  • Click Next
  • Click "Attach existing policies directly"
  • Tick "AdministratorAccess" from the list of permissions
  • Click Next
  • Click "Create User"
  • Copy or download the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key


Use the obtained Access Key Id and Secret Access Key that you downloaded in ShiftEdit

Press Save and it will create a VPC and spin up a T2.nano instance. This usually takes a few minutes.

AWS instances come with full SUDO access and you can use yum to install new packages.

When the server is ready you can create a site on this server from the "New Site" option in the site menu.


DigitalOcean uses an OAuth flow, so you just need to approve the permissions when prompted after pushing Save.

Once approved press Save again and it will spin up a new droplet. This usually takes a few minutes.

DigitalOcean instances come with full SUDO access and you can use dnf to install new packages.

When the server is ready you can create a site on this server from the "New Site" option in the site menu.


Linode uses an OAuth flow, so you just need to approve the permissions when prompted after pushing Save.

Once approved press Save again and it will spin up a new linode. This usually takes a few minutes.

Linode instances come with full SUDO access and you can use dnf to install new packages.

When the server is ready you can create a site on this server from the "New Site" option in the site menu.